Funding, Registering and Paying for a Course

Funding options:

  • Are you currently looking to hire?  
    Check out the NEW Alberta Jobs Now program available to help private and non-profit businesses with job supports to get Albertans back to work.  Employers can apply for funding to offset the cost of hiring and training unemployed or underemployed Albertans in new or vacant positions.
  • The Critical Worker Benefit has re-opened to provide a one-time payment of $1,200 to eligible Albertans who provide critical services, are essential to the supply and movement of goods and have a potential risk of exposure to COVID-19 through their work environments.  Please visit the Critical Worker Benefit website for further information and a complete list of the expanded occupations - 
  • Looking for funding to train employees or potential employees?  Check out the Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG) program to skill up your workforce and train new or existing employees.  The Alberta government is temporarily expanding eligibility of the Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG) to help businesses access the training they need.  The expansion is effective until February 28, 2022.  For more information or to apply see

How to register for a course:

  1. Download the fillable Application Form and compete all sections.
  2. Email your completed application form to
  3. You will receive confirmation and a 6 digit ID number from a staff member shortly.

We acknowledge that Portage College’s service region is on the traditional lands of First Nation Peoples, the owners of Treaty 6, 8 and 10, which are also homelands to the Métis people. We honour the history and culture of all people who first lived and gathered in these lands.
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